

Nunda, NY

Investigators on site: Jennifer, Tracy and Tim

This is a repeat investigation for the team. Jessica, since the first investigation has moved to a new apartment. However, she is still experiencing activity. We determined after the first investigation that she seems to be sensitive in a way. We came to this conclusion by all of the stories she graciously shared with us, from childhood to adulthood. She is concerned over her daughter, she cannot determine whether her daughter is actually exhibiting some of the abilities that she has, or if these are standard child actions.

New claims of activity:

Jessica is not scared or threatened; she is just concerned that her daughter is now experiencing this as well.

The team considered all the claims, and offered some alternatives to them that may not actually be paranormal. We thought that there could be a chance that a lot of the activity is due to the very high level of EMF that is all over the home. There was a consistent 10+ milligauss reading and that is something that could very well influence activity. In two ways, it could cause hallucinations but also fuel actual paranormal activity as well. We could not determine which.  We also determined that the upstairs has a “fun house” effect, meaning that with the curving hallways, and uneven floors, it can really make you feel odd, and also produce some perceived apparitions if one moves just the right way.
We did a thorough investigation and we did actually make contact with someone. Here is the short conversation we had via an ITC session (Instrumental Trans-Communication) using the spirit box.


We decided to wrap up our investigation after this conversation. The reason was that we felt that we accomplished what we sought after and if we pursued conversation, we would be giving mixed signals.

We advised Jessica to keep an open mind and an open dialogue with her daughter. As an aid to her, the team purchased her a few books of material to perhaps help her understand what she is going through a little bit more.